There are effective ways to reduce air pollution and, given the scale of the exposure affecting people worldwide, this report should send a strong signal to the international community to take action without further delay. 我们有许多有效的方法来减少空气污染。考虑到空气污染范围影响着全球人民,这个报告应该向国际社会发出强烈信号,让他们立即采取行动。
'Impacts from recent extreme climatic events, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, and wildfires, show significant vulnerability and exposure of some ecosystems and many human systems to climate variability,' the report warned. 报告警告说,热浪、干旱、洪灾和森林大火等近期极端气候事件的影响显示出,一些生态系统和很多人类系统都非常容易受到气候变异的影响。
The subjects reported significantly more respiratory symptoms following red tide exposure than before exposure, the report indicates. 这些研究重要报导了在红潮后呼吸系统的损伤要甚于红潮前。
The4th, on information exposure, to make investor can understand the risk sex of sub debt adequately," method "requirement collect person ought to make announcement of recruit manual, regular report, major item and other information announce a file. 第四,在信息披露上,为了使投资者能够充分了解次级债的风险性,《办法》要求募集人应当制作招募说明书、定期报告、重大事项公告和其他信息披露文件。
The number of QDII product launches will continue to rise over the next 12 months as domestic investors build exposure to internationally diversified products, Shanghai-based research firm Z-Ben Advisors said in a recent report. 上海咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)最近在一份报告中表示,随着国内投资者逐步建立国际多元化产品的敞口,QDII产品发行量将在未来12个月内继续增加。
More men than women said they had been exposed to pesticides and those reporting exposure were more likely to report their occupation as farmer, rancher or fisherman, the researchers said. 多数男性表示,自己从事着与杀虫剂密切接触的工作,例如农民、牧民、渔夫等。
If you have on over exposure you obviously have to report it to the NRC. 如果你有曝光过度,你明显就要,报告给核管理委员会。
"This variation provides evidence for the significance of exposure to sunlight as a protective factor," the report concludes. “这种地理差异为显著日晒有预防作用提供了证据,”报告总结称。
Laser irradiation after surgical exposure of the lesions combined with Pingyangmycin injection in the management of venous malformation in oral and maxillofacial region: Report of 36 cases 翻瓣激光联合平阳霉素注射治疗口腔颌面部静脉畸形36例报道
A further 300,000 people die prematurely each year from exposure to poor air indoors, according to advisers, but little discussion of this issue survived in the report because it was outside the ambit of the Chinese ministries which sponsored the research. 但该研究团队顾问表示,每年还有30万人因室内空气污染早亡。但有关这一问题的讨论在报告中几乎没有保留下来,因为这超出了发起此项研究的中国有关部委的容许范围。
Sudden death by dermal exposure to phenol& A case report 皮肤接触苯酚致化学源性猝死1例报告
Inside vascularized skin flap of lge for the treatment of a large area soft tissue defect combined with exposure of bone and muscle tendon in feet, ankles, legs and knees: a report of 12 patients 应用小腿内侧带血管蒂皮瓣治疗足、踝、小腿、膝部大面积软组织缺损骨肌腱外露12例
This article explains the importance of the annotations of the fiscal report forms from the demands of the fiscal information exposure, the report mode of the companies and the future development tendence of the financial report forms. 针对会计人员信息的充分披露要求和企业报告模式及财务报表的未来发展趋向,阐述了会计报表附注的重要性。
Asthma related to occupational formaldehyde exposure& Report of six cases 甲醛相关性职业性哮喘6例报告
Setting up the mechanism of risk exposure periodic report of large amounts and the mechanism of forewarning. 三是建立大额风险敞口定期报告及预警机制。
Erythrocytosis by radiation exposure& A case report 放射线接触性红细胞增多症1例报告
Dysbaric Osteonecrosis Resulting From One Hyperbaric Exposure: Report of 2 Cases 一次高气压暴露导致减压性骨坏死&附2例报道